My Fortunate Life Full of Adventures
I’m Captain Michael Berry, having sailed and explored the Polynesian Triangle for three wonderful years I came away with a far different point of view of different cultures and lifestyles, truly a life changing journey. What I learned was, that out there in the “Big Blue Pacific Ocean”, life is wonderful and peaceful.
Leaving the limits of adventure on land, I set out seeking the untamed ocean. Yes, the Pacific Ocean can be mighty fearsome, enormously dangerous, and rogue at best, though calm and quiet much like a mill pond and smooth as plate glass. This I accepted on all levels of experience.

With the knowledge learned and the experiences of a number of new and varied cultures, I eventually felt it necessary to share and to inspire others to seek the gems and jewels of the treasure chest found in traveling to faraway places, mine being the tropical South Seas.
From Tahiti to Fiji, to New Zealand, every turn and and anchorage gave me an opportunity to feel the warmth and hospitality of foreign waters and ports. Each of the many island nations within the Polynesian Triangle has to some minor and major degrees of a belief system unlike that I experienced in my now aging life, nearing 80 years old.
Not for the Faint of Heart
It was after sailing singlehanded well over 18,000 nautical miles and dropping the well seasoned anchor in a cool and calm bay, did I realise that a distant dream had come true. All of the planning, effort and accomplishments made it all worthwhile as it turned out. I had become a shellback by crossing the Equator twice, southbound and then again northbound, endured hardships and chased by three hurricanes. Rites of passage were now mine.

With all of the world travel that has been done, it was not only the kindness, the friendliness of other countries and lands, and the warmth of heart of remote villages, is what inspired me to start Rogue Ocean. I also found that even the colours of each encounter made a difference. It has been shown that warm colours of the rainbow emit a certain kind of energies, ones that affect our attitude and feelings.
An example would be the warm colours found in the Dutch Islands of the Caribbean, the ABC islands. They claim to be the “Happy Nation” due to all of the colours addressed in their clothing, the painting of buildings.
It is my belief and throughout all of my apparel offerings, that the joyful colours of red, orange, yellow, blue, and green will be all that is offered. Choices can be made, feelings can be enjoyed, and a sense of a new and far healthier sense of well being will be the result.